A parametric test, such as the t-test, compares the means of the two samples. A nonparametric method, such as the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test compares the entire distributions of the two independent samples. The null hypothesis of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum test says the two samples can be viewed as a single sample from one population. The alternative hypothesis is that the first treatment group has a different different distribution (or location) than the second treatment group.
The treatment effect, denoted as ∆, is the difference between treatment groups. If parametric methods were used, means could be calculated for each treatment group, and a subtraction of the means can be used to estimate ∆. However, when the data are not normally distributed and the median value of the response variable of interest is calculated for each treatment group, the estimate of the difference in treatment groups is not as straightforward as subtracting one median from the other.
The difference in medians is estimated using the methodology of Hodges-Lehmann. It is a very simple approach. The following steps can be used to estimate ∆:
• form all possible differences between the first treatment group and the second treatment group, in the response variable of interest. For example, if there are 100 patients in each group then 10,000 (100*100) differences would be calculated.
• the estimator ∆ is the median of those 10,000 differences.
All this taken from this SUPER PAPER.
The treatment effect, denoted as ∆, is the difference between treatment groups. If parametric methods were used, means could be calculated for each treatment group, and a subtraction of the means can be used to estimate ∆. However, when the data are not normally distributed and the median value of the response variable of interest is calculated for each treatment group, the estimate of the difference in treatment groups is not as straightforward as subtracting one median from the other.
The difference in medians is estimated using the methodology of Hodges-Lehmann. It is a very simple approach. The following steps can be used to estimate ∆:
• form all possible differences between the first treatment group and the second treatment group, in the response variable of interest. For example, if there are 100 patients in each group then 10,000 (100*100) differences would be calculated.
• the estimator ∆ is the median of those 10,000 differences.
All this taken from this SUPER PAPER.
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