
SAS with mySQL
Compiled by Soumya Gopinath

How to transfer the MySQL Databases named dbformo and dbformo_add to SAS datasets library names formoSQL and AddSQL respectively?

libname libname ODBC datasrc= source user= user name password= password schema= database;

By using the procedure COPY we can copy the library formoSQL and AddSQL to our permanent SAS libraries FormoDM and FormoAdd respectively. Before executing the connection string add an ODBC Data source name in the current system, which should be the same as given in datasrc= option. The process,

1) Settings -> Control Panel ->Administrative Tools ->Data Source (ODBC)
2) Click on the Add button.
3) Select the driver for which you want to set up a data source (MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver) and click Finish button.
4) Add required information in Connector/ODBC window. Click OK button. Then the process is completed.

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