In strict terms, the odds ratio obtained tells us how many more (or less, if the exposure is associated with a reduced risk) times likely the cases are to have been exposed to the factor under study compared with the controls.
In the case-control study, the risk of cervical cancer was examined in relation to a gene XXXX. The status of the genes is abnormal and normal wherein normal is considered as the referent category.
Consider an example:data gene;input cat $7. genstatus $4. count;cards;case abn 119control abn 68case nor 317control nor 319;run;
ods output RelativeRisks=relrisk(where=(studytype="Case-Control (Odds Ratio)"));proc freq data=gene ;tables cat*genstatus/relrisk ;weight count;run;ods output close;
The table will be as follows:
Odds of exposure among cases=119/317Odds of exposure among controls=68/319Odds ratio= odds of exposure among cases/odds of exposure among controls =1.76
The odds ratio with respect to XXXX shows that the odds of abnormal genotype occurring in case group is 1.76 times higher than it occurring in control group. The 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio is obtained as (1.26, 2.46).The cervical cancer cases were 76% more likely to have abnormal genes than controls. In short, the odds ratio indicates that women who have abnormal genes were 76% more likely to develop cervical cancer than those with normal genes.
Prepared by Prajitha Nair
If frequency of the counts in any one of the cell is zero then the odds ratio cannot be computed?
Consider the example:
data gene;
input cat $7. genstatus $4. count;
case abn 119
control abn 0
case nor 317
control nor 319
ods output RelativeRisks=relrisk(where=(studytype="Case-Control (Odds Ratio)"));
proc freq data=gene ;
tables cat*genstatus/relrisk ;
weight count;
ods output close;
The output will look as follows:
This can be resolved as follows:
ods output CommonRelRisks=cmnrelrisk;
proc freq data=gene ;
tables cat*genstatus/relrisk cmh ;
weight count;
ods output close;
The output will be produced as:
data cmnrelrisk_1(keep=Value LowerCL UpperCL);
set cmnrelrisk;
if studytype eq " (Odds Ratio)" then if method eq "Logit **" and value ne . then output;
else if studytype="Case-Control" then if method eq "Mantel-Haenszel" and value not in (.,0.0000) then output;
format LowerCL UpperCL ODDSR8.3 value ODDSR8.3;
The cmh option will help to tackle the problem. The logit method will add 0.5 in all the cells of the 2 x 2 cross tabulation table where zero is in anyone of the cell and then odds ratio is evaluated.
Thus the odds ratio obtained is 240.506.