In the case-control study, the risk of cervical cancer was examined in relation to a gene XXXX. The status of the genes is abnormal and normal wherein normal is considered as the referent category.
Consider an example:data gene;input cat $7. genstatus $4. count;cards;case abn 119control abn 68case nor 317control nor 319;run;
ods output RelativeRisks=relrisk(where=(studytype="Case-Control (Odds Ratio)"));proc freq data=gene ;tables cat*genstatus/relrisk ;weight count;run;ods output close;
The table will be as follows:
Odds of exposure among cases=119/317Odds of exposure among controls=68/319Odds ratio= odds of exposure among cases/odds of exposure among controls =1.76
The odds ratio with respect to XXXX shows that the odds of abnormal genotype occurring in case group is 1.76 times higher than it occurring in control group. The 95% confidence interval for the odds ratio is obtained as (1.26, 2.46).The cervical cancer cases were 76% more likely to have abnormal genes than controls. In short, the odds ratio indicates that women who have abnormal genes were 76% more likely to develop cervical cancer than those with normal genes.
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