Accessing the current working directory where the file containing the SAS code is stored
Compiled by Prajitha Nair
Let the SAS editor containing the code be and it is stored in a folder named SAS Programs_Final.
The following %let statements assigns the folder and editor names to macro variables pgmfld and pgm respectively.
%let pgmfld = SAS Programs_Final; /*Folder in which SAS code is stored*/
%let pgm=; /*Name of the program editor*/
%let pgm=; /*Name of the program editor*/
The following macro is then used to extract the path of the editor from sashelp.vextfl and determine the path of the folder as “dir1” and of the editor as “dir2”.
%macro filePath;
%global fpath maxRef;
%global fpath maxRef;
proc sql noprint;
select xpath into :fPath
from sashelp.vextfl where xpath ? "&pgm";
select xpath into :fPath
from sashelp.vextfl where xpath ? "&pgm";
%let fpath = %trim(&fpath);
%put &fpath;
%global dir1 dir2 pgm1 pgmfld1;
%let pgm1 =%trim(&pgm);
%let pgmfld1= %trim(&pgmfld);
data _null_;
call symput("dir2" ,trim(substr("&fpath",1,x)));
call symput("dir1" ,trim(substr("&fpath",1,y)));
%mend filePath;
This macro helps in determining the path of the code and enables the code to be executed in any computer provided the SAS code is saved within a folder and the naming conventions are followed as above.
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