
Extracting Engine and Path name of the code
Compiled by Prajitha Nair

The input parameter in the macro will be the name of the SAS file whose path is to be determined.

%macro PathbyName(progName);

%global fullPath fullPath1 engine;
%if %index(%upcase(&progName),.SAS) eq 0 %then
%let progName=&progName..sas;

proc sql noprint;
select xpath into :fullPath
from dictionary.extfiles where
index(upcase(xpath),"%upcase(&progName) " ) gt 0 ;
select setting into :engine from sashelp.voption
where optname="ENGINE";

%let engine = %trim(&engine);
%put engine = &engine;
%let fullpath = %trim(&fullPath);

%put fullpath = &fullPath;

%mend PathbyName;

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